Are you annoyed getting stuck in traffic on Monday mornings on the way to work? Tired of spending your precious time waiting in a queue of cars on the highway or in a crowded train? We have three good alternatives for you that helps you to escape daily rush hour traffic and on time for work.
Congestion as a Factor of Aggression
As soon as traffic stops in the morning rush hour, the stress level of many drivers increases. The annoying stop and go pulls at our nerves and provides many drivers with an increased pulse and thus an accelerated heart rate. We all know that this combination is not healthy. And yet there is nothing we can do about it; after all, we all have to go to work on Monday mornings, right? But! There are three ways you can easily avoid this waste of traffic jam and hopefully not start your day with avoidable stressers.
Traffic Jam Alternative 1: The Job Bike
Employers who provide their employees with a so-called job bike (also known as a business bike) as part of a corporate benefit package can ensure that employees can avoid the traffic jams caused by cars even in the worst of rush hour. The job bike is therefore an extremely practical offer for employees who are tired of wasting their time in traffic in the morning as well as in the afternoon. Simply cycle with a comfortable e-bike from home directly to the door of your workplace. So you can calmly drive past all those who are completely annoyed waiting for you to make up for the crowded streets meter by meter. But also for all those who don't feel like a crowded train or stuffy buses benefit from the business bike. Financed by the employer, the job bike offers a simple but effective alternative to conventional means of transportation. And the best thing is: for you as an employee, the business bike is completely free of charge, provided your employer provides the bike as part of company employee offers.
Traffic Jam Alternative 2: The e-Scooter
In large German cities in particular, around 350,000 people work on crowded federal roads on workdays. And the situation is similar in public transport such as buses and trains: the commuters are crowded together in the wagons and the shuttle buses, while they are waiting to finally arrive at the destination of their everyday odyssey. It is much more relaxed: How about if you drive past all the crowded commuters without being restricted yourself? With an e-scooter you can easily get from A to B. Start comfortably from home and let one of the countless electric scooters take you to work relaxed. In almost all major German cities, the e-scooters are ready again after the Corona crisis and are just waiting to be used to get people to their desired destination. Like the job bike, the use of e-scooters can be free of charge for you as an employee if your employer offers the electric scooters as part of an employee program. Just ask him completely without obligation whether there are such types of corporate benefits in your company.
Traffic jam alternative 3: The e-Moped
In addition to the job bike and the e-scooter, employees whose employers grant their employees so-called mobility corporate benefits, i.e. employee programs specifically to help commuting, can also use e-mopeds. So far, these are less to be found in German cities, but in times of uncertainty regarding Corona, the demand for further options for electric mobility is increasing in Germany as well as around the world. A good example of this is the Bosch subsidiary TIER Mobility, which recently bought around 5,000 Coup e-mopeds in order to be even more flexible in large German cities in the future. In this way, even larger distances can be easily accomplished.
With corporate benefits for more flexibility
No matter which traffic jam alternative you choose, with means of transportation such as a business bike, e-scooters or e-mopeds you can drive past annoying traffic jams flexibly. Most importantly you can do so without stress or unpleasant encounters in jam-packed buses, streets and subways. If your employer does not yet offer any employee programs for mobility as a corporate benefit tell your HR manager about ePilot.