ANNOUNCEMENT! Nominate your company for ePilot’s Pilot Trial program and be the first to try ePilot.
We are getting ready to officially lunch ePilot with something special. By offering a pilot program we give some companies the chance to test out ePilot before everyone else! You can be the one to bring electric scooters, bikes and cars as an employee benefit to your entire team with a convenient monthly subscription paid for by the employer.
Employee benefits not only benefit employees but employers as well. Important metrics like employee satisfaction and employee retention can save employers money and ePilot also makes them eligible for tax benefits.
Follow the instructions below to nominate your place of work for ePilot’s Pilot Program or follow the link here.
🛴You can nominate your company to be one of the first to join ePilots Pilot program.
🚲 ePilot lets employers offer electric scooters, bikes and cars as a benefit to employees, all with a convenient monthly subscription.
Before our big launch we want to run a pilot program giving a few lucky companies a chance to try ePilot first!
👉Nominate your company or the company you work for is super easy! Simply follow the link to our facebook post, comment on the post tagging a co-worker as well as the company. (If the company does not have a social account simply write the name)