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Posted 20 Oct 2020

Reading time: 5 Minutes

Corporate benefits, i.e. special offers for your own employees, are all the rage. But what are the benefits of such extras for the employees? And who in each company should be receiving them? We have put together some interesting facts about corporate benefits for you. Furthermore, we plan to upack how much such additional offers really do for employees.

Currently, corporate benefits can no longer only be found at large companies such as Lufthansa, Bosch or Daimler. More and more small and medium-sized companies are also relying on the effect of employee offers. Corporate benefits are special discounts or conditions that employees of a company receive in addition and completely independently of their regular salary. In this way, companies make themselves popular with interested applicants as potential new employers and thus increase their employer branding, i.e. their own company as a brand.

What types of employee offers are there?

The possibilities for employee offers are varied: whether small goodies or attractive employee discounts, companies have countless options to offer their employees extra services regardless of the money. In addition to vouchers for refueling or eating, there is, for example, the option of granting discounts on local public transport, in the local fitness studio or when purchasing the company's own products or services. A company car or the use of company-owned bicycles or e-scooters are also among the corporate benefits. While large companies sometimes provide their employees with a so-called electromobility budget, small and medium-sized companies tend to rely on individual offers. These include a coffee flat rate, a PlayStation in the lounge, days off for volunteer work or joint activities, weekend trips or vacations with the company.

Who benefits from corporate benefits?

First and foremost, the company's employees apparently benefit from the corporate benefits offered. However, companies offer the extras for a reason: In order to stand out from the competition, it sometimes takes more than just an attractive monthly salary to make yourself strong in the employer market. It is now more difficult than ever for companies to attract skilled workers and then keep them as loyal employees. In recent years, the need for highly qualified specialists has increased enormously, while the number of applicants has decreased at the same time. In order to still get the best of the best in their field, companies have to come up with something. For example, even established companies such as Storck, Spotify, Microsoft or Google introduced a range of corporate benefits for their employees. While the German confectionery manufacturer Storck has set up family offices to prevent family support bottlenecks, the international employees of the multi-streaming platform Spotify can set their own holidays in order to do justice to their individual religions.

The computer giant Microsoft, on the other hand, is doing everything in its power to ensure that its employees have a happy family life. For this, Microsoft pays its employees a birth bonus, offers special leave after the adoption of a child or sends employees on paid time off if they have a need for care in their family. Only one company tops this enormously high level of family support: Google. The American search engine giant has a whole range of corporate benefits ready for its employees: from in-house fitness clubs to free food, laundromats and on-site medical care, to paid vacation for new parents - whoever works at Google benefits in many ways.

This is how companies make themselves popular with employees

By offering special conditions for employees, both parties ultimately benefit from a cooperation: on the one hand, the employees, who have additional added value for their work in the form of discounts, paid vacation or the opportunity to use company-owned electric bicycles -Scooter or a company car. On the other hand, the company can be sure that its employees appreciate their jobs thanks to the additional employee offers and do not switch to the competition. This creates a pure win-win situation in which there are definitely no losers. On the contrary: Due to the increasing opportunities for corporate benefits in the field of electromobility, the topic of sustainability is becoming more and more important and significant. In addition to the employees and the company, the environment also benefits from corporate benefits.