Christopher Kahl and Dennis Weidner are the founders of ePilot Mobility. A lot has happened since they began in 2020: What was originally supposed to be an aggregation platform for electromobility providers is now a proud owner and provider of an e-car sharing fleet.
Dennis, What's the story behind the e-car sharing fleet?
“Originally, we wanted to bundle the existing e-mobility providers in one app for companies, so that they could allocate to their employees a mobility budget for e-bikes and e-scooters. However, the providers didn't want to participate - and the companies actually asked for electric cars. This is how we became a provider ourselves."
And what are your plans for the future, as a mobility player yourself?
“Our focus is on companies and expanding electric mobility with them. We offer quality cars because managers prefer to drive high-quality models - also called ‘the motivation fleet‘. The car remains a status symbol after all. The behavior of drivers will not change overnight even if we’re facing climate change. On the long run, however, we would like to add scooters and bicycles to the offer, as we care about the environment and public health very much as well."
Chris, what distinguishes ePilot Mobility from other Carsharing providers?
“We can make corporate and private customers happier due to our flexible offers. We believe that long term contracts are outdated and think in terms of quarterly contracts. Private Customers can also choose whether they prefer to pay by the minute or by the kilometer, by the day or by the hour. With leasing banks, other fleet and carsharing providers, the terms are much more regulated. We only provide the assets. The self-determined user can think about how he can travel more cheaply."
And what has been a special moment on the ePilot Mobility journey since it was found?
“The most exciting moment was in 2020 when incredibly large networks and corporate customers approached us. They asked when we would start and be able offer them a mobility budget. They liked our idea instantly. To create a company during a pandemic and to be welcomed in such a way by the market was a great experience."
Read more about the ePilot Mobility App on our blog or get informed about the cars in our fleet. Enjoy the ride!