< Back | Show All Articles Happy Earth Day from ePilot!

Posted 23 Apr 2020

Reading time: 1 Minutes

 Our goal is for e-mobility to be the easiest solution for the typical commuter. Our approach is holistic! We see the synergy between supporting the environment and supporting employees through employee benefits.


For earth day we have compiled a list of 3 reasons why to switch to electric mobility! 


1. Use less energy! 


Electric vehicles reduce your energy consumption. Try to think of all the car trips that can be replaced with an e-bike or e-scooter whether it be your daily commute to work or a quick trip to the store. 


2. Reduce traffic for everyone


With fewer cars on the road you can help solve your cities traffic problem. You can also eliminate that amount of time you are stuck in traffic! 


3. Save Time 


In many cities, commuting by personal electric vehicle like e-bikes and e-scooters is actually faster than taking a car or bus.



Want to take ePilot for a spin? Stay tuned for our upcoming pilot program.


#ePilot #Heretomove