Get Paid up to 2,200 € for Buying an E Scooter
Already, in several cities in Germany, you can use different subsidies to either reduce the acquisition costs. In this article we will outline which cities grant environmental bonuses as well as the cities that offer certain kinds of subsidies.
What do we mean by environmental bonus?
There is currently no nationwide environmental bonus, but numerous German cities and municipalities are subsidizing the purchase of electric scooters to promote the environmentally friendly nature of the mode of transport. This can take the form of subsidies, ie financial support, as well as premiums. While some cities pay cash to buy an e scooter, others offer special benefits through collaborations and partnerships. However, some cities subsidize only the purchase of a specific electric scooter brand and are only valid if you are a customer of the local waterworks.
What is the environmental bonus for electric scooters?
The leader in promoting e scooters is currently Munich. Here buyers of an e scooter can receive up to € 1,000 in grants. In addition, the city advertises with another € 1,000 as scrapping and up to € 200 in Ökobonus. At the moment, you can get a maximum of up to 2,200 € discount. Several cities like Hagen and Würzburg subsidize the purchase after with up to 400 €. In Erlangen, there is currently a subsidy of 200 € and in Mainz it is 150 €. Depending on the city, there are usually special requirements for getting the grants. In the near future, other cities will certainly catch up and also offer a subsidy for electric scooters.
What alternative funding opportunities exist for e-scooters?
The city of Göttingen currently is doling out a combined offer of electricity and e scooter subsidy for all those who are customers of Stadtwerke Göttingen or want to become one. With the package GöStrom you can currently get up to 400 € as a subsidy when buying a KITO electric scooter. At the same time, you get pure green electricity from hydropower. These initiatives enable cities like Göttingen the opportunity to show how environmentally friendly they are. A similar offer can currently be found in Lüdenscheid. If you are already a customer of Stadtwerke Lüdenscheid, you can also get up to 400 € discount on a KITO e-scooter. Some insurers are offering a different type of promotion for electric scooters. Since a street legal electric scooter requires a suitable insurance, here further saving potential can be found if you know where to look. The Bavarian civil servants insurance granted an increased no claims discount on the motor insurance on accident-free e scooter years. And at the HUK Coburg you can insure your e-scooter for just 1.25 € per month, if you have already insured your car there.
What subsidies for electric scooters are there in Berlin?
Currently, there are no subsidies available in Berlin. Jan Thomas, the spokesman for the Transport Senator Regine Günther mentions as one of the reasons for the lack of support, among other things, is that the sharing offer will cover the current needs. Thomas is right insofar that Berlin is currently the only city in Germany where three different sharing providers are already renting their e-scooters. In addition, to the Berlin e scooter sharing startup market, these companies also plan to roll out in the rest of Germany as well. Both Circ and the sharing provider LimeBike are already planning to offer their electric scooters in future in Cologne and Hamburg. If the concept of environmentally-friendly transport is developed, numerous other cities will soon follow.
E-vehicles in Germany are becoming increasingly popular
Electromobility is becoming increasingly popular in Germany. With the entry into force on 15 June 2019 micro-electric vehicles Regulation, also known colloquially as e-scooter law, the number of e-scooter providers and those who are interested in the purchase of an electric scooter is increasing. The increasing demand animates manufacturers of both German and foreign origin and already ensures smaller price wars. The initial costs for a street-legal e scooter in Germany start at a few hundred € and currently end at just under 2,500 €. Even the car manufacturer BMW is trying to gain a foothold in the field of electric scooters. The topics of e mobility and sustainability are currently gaining in importance, especially among Germans, as awareness of the environment and thus of environmental protection is growing.
Is it worth it to wait if my city does not yet offer an environmental bonus?
The promotional offers of German cities will certainly increase in the coming years, so that other cities and municipalities will follow suit with various environmental bonuses. But anticipating the exact date a bonus could come to you particular city is impossible. With about 500 to 2,500 €, the initial cost is currently very high. Thanks to the new regulation, we are just at the beginning of the e scooter era. As the number of providers increases, there will be more competition. For you as a consumer that means that the competitors will eventually start a price war. As soon as they try to undercut each other's prices, buying an electric scooter makes the most sense.